Sara Stohler Poker

Sara Stohler Poker, horizontal power slot hand punch, free slots 5 frogs, in poker does 4 of a kind beat a straight. Total life earnings: $537,371. Latest cash: $62,091 on 13-Nov-2020. Click here to see the details of Sara Stohler's 100 cashes.

On a flop of , Sara Stohler bet 20K and John Spadavecchia called. The turn was the . Stohler bet 30K and Spadavecchia moved all in for 113K. Stohler went into the tank. She stared at the flop. She looked at John Spadavecchia. She eyed her chip stack. And repeated the process over and over for five minutes. She eventually called.
Spadavecchia: Stohler

Sara Stohler Poker Sites

Sara Stohler PokerStohler's Aces were still in the lead and Spadavecchia was on a flush draw. The spiked on the river. Spadavecchia made his draw and crippled Stohler in the process. She slipped to 25,000, while John Spadavecchia increased his stack to 265,000.

Sara Stohler Poker Rules

Sara Stohler Poker Videos

Stohler was rattled by the hand. She stood up and walked around the Amazon Ballroom while she sat out for a few hands.