Ocasio Quotes


Alexandria Ocasio Quotes

Ocasio Quotes
Posted: Aug 01, 2019 8:30 AM

Source: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Ocasio Quotes

Quoted in ' For Billionaires, Things Are Already Fine': Ocasio-Cortez Pinpoints Why Howard Schultz Has No Serious Tax Plan, Julia Conley, Common Dreams (13 Feb 2019) The thing that people don’t understand about restaurants is that they’re one of the most political environments. You’re shoulder-to-shoulder with immigrants. Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made several statements that have shocked the much of the country since the start of her political career. Whether it’s claiming world might end in 12 years due to climate change or unemployment is only low because many Americans have two jobs, Ocasio-Cortez has rocked the apple cart in. Sep 23, 2020 – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Which of these Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quotes is your favorite? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the millennial, socialist political novice who went from bartender to become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Ocasio-Cortez grew up in a working class family in the Bronx. Ocasio-Cortez said that capitalism inevitably creates billionaires while others starve, then called for a fairer, more advanced society, saying that we are 'at the edges of an untenable system. Ocasio's plan is estimated to cost more than that annually, or $32.6 trillion over the same timespan. Likewise, the Congressional Research Service found in 2014 that the wars in Afghanistan.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is condoning violent rioting in order to reach political goals.

During an interview with New York's Hot 97 earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez argued 'marginalized' communities have no choice but to riot against their so-called oppressors.

'I believe injustice is a threat to the safety of all people. Because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalize and marginalized...once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot. And it doesn't have to be that way. I'm not even taking about Palestinians. I'm talking about communities in poverty in the United States; I'm talking about Latin America; I'm talking about all over the world,' she said.

Two weeks ago Ocasio-Cortez was asked if she condemns the violent domestic terror attack carried out by an Antifa member at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement Center in Tacoma, Washington. She refused to give an answer.

The 69-year-old armed man killed by Washington state police as he attacked a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center Saturday sent a manifesto to friends the day before the assault in which he wrote 'I am Antifa,' and was being lionized by members of the leftwing group as a 'martyr.'
The group Seattle Antifascist Action described assailant Willem Van Spronsen a 'good friend and comrade' who 'took a stand against the fascist detention center in Tacoma' and 'became a martyr who gave his life to the struggle against fascism.'

.@AOC refuses to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center; refuses to tell @TheRealKeean if her inflammatory comments about “concentration camps” radicalized the attacker. pic.twitter.com/YOjn0yL032

Alexandria Ocasio Quotes I Am Someone

— The Rebel (@RebelNewsOnline) July 15, 2019