Kill Everyone Poker Review

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With an introduction by 2005 WSOP Main Event winner Joe Hachem, Kill Everyone is a book that everyone who plays poker to a decent level will benefit from owning. With a new chapter in the second. No, I never read Kill Phil but read Kill Everyone a couple of times. It's hard to read but very important for serious tournament players. From what I understand, Kill Phil is targeting beginners, giving them a simple strategy that eliminates the advantage that experienced player have over them. Whereas Kill Phil was a beginners' book focusing on pre-flop play, Kill Everyone moves on to the more advanced skills you'll need to succeed in tournaments (cash players note, there is an excellent chaper on online 6-max NLHE games by Mark Vos).

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Kill Everyone: Advanced Strategies for No-limit Hold ’em Poker Tournaments and Sit-n-go’s
by Lee Nelson, Tysen Streib, and Kim Lee

My One Minute Recommendation: Kill Everyone is one of the better tournament books on the market. It will be most useful for those interested in big live tournaments, but the excellent section of the math of late game situations is enough to make the book worth buying for any tournament player. But hurry! Much of the focus is on exploiting current trends in poker tournaments, so the fish may wise up eventually.

According to their introduction, the authors of Kill Everyone set out “to marry poker math with real-time experiences to provide a sound approach to recurring situations you’ll encounter as you accumulate chips and approach the money” in poker tournaments. Although the book does contain a healthy mix of math and tactics, I can’t agree that the two are married. In fact, they are rather bifurcated: Lee Nelson writes largely about the latter in two sections of the book, while Tysen Streib focuses on the former in his “Endgame Strategy” section.

Kill Everyone Poker Review 2020

The Streib section is fantastic, easily some of the best poker writing I’ve seen and well worth the cover price in its own right. Nelson’s material is more hit-or-miss. He explains a lot of concepts and plays well, though many will be familiar to successful internet players already, and at times his presentation is distracting or downright misleading. On the whole, Kill Everyone is a solid tournament book, and even the “bonus” short-handed cash game section by Mark Vos is pretty strong.

Not only is Streib’s contribution excellent, it’s also especially valuable because it focuses on late game and final table play, where the stakes are at their highest. Central to Streib’s analysis are some concepts he calls CPR (cost-per-round, or the sum of the blinds and antes), CSI (chip status index, which, like Harrington’s M, tells you how many more rounds you can survive without winning a pot), and the bubble factor (a measure of the non-linear value of chips based on stack sizes and payout structure). His explanation of this non-linearity and quantification of how it ought to affect decision making is the most convincing and helpful material I’ve seen on the subject.

A wide variety of charts and graphs elucidate these concepts and demonstrate how to put them into practice. Because late game tournament play sees short stacks moving all in pre-flop, Streib is able to solve optimal strategies for shoving, folding, and calling that take the bubble factor into account. The techniques he employs, called Independent Chip Modeling (ICM) are extremely important for tournament players to understand.

Naturally, this material is of special interest to sit-and-players, and Streib’s section even includes a hand-for-hand analysis of an actual sit-and-go played by Juanda, Ulliot, Ferguson, and Ivey. I suppose there’s something to be said for the name recognition, but as good as these players are, none of them is actually a sit-and-go expert. Still, Streib uses their mistakes as much as their correct plays to illustrate important concepts.

Perhaps the most innovative portion of Streib’s work are shove/fold/call charts that incorporate empirical data on how small stakes sit-and-go players actually play. In other words, he details not only the game theoretically optimal solutions but also the best way to exploit opponents who do not themselves understand or implement optimal play.

Nelson’s material is more scattershot. It ranges from tight-aggressive (TAG) play to loose-aggressive (LAG) play to picking up tells to what to eat and when to sleep before and during a tournament. There’s some good stuff in there, but it’s not presented in an especially thorough or methodical way. Rather, tactics and “pointers” are blended with anecdotes and disparaging comments about “online players”.

Nelson’s first section is about accumulating chips in the early stages of a tournament. His overviews of TAG and LAG play are good, and he offers some helpful explanations such as why it’s worth raising speculative hands even when blind stealing is not an important consideration.

Key concepts here are Fold Equity and Fear Equity. The former should be familiar to most poker players, but it’s important enough to warrant discussion anyway. Nelson does give it thorough consideration, including an explanation of why and how fold equity matters even when you have the best hand.

Fear Equity is a way of getting Fold Equity. It refers to building an image of a tough, aggressive player whom other players will want to avoid. Later in a tournament, this is important for stealing blinds pre-flop and picking up pots with continuation bets.

Though much of this material will be useful online, Nelson is a live pro and his work generally assumes that context. For the most part, he is good about explaining the assumptions that underlie his plays, such as the important observation that on the contemporary tournament scene, all-in bets are often perceived as weaker than smaller bets. However, he also has an annoying tendency to make disparaging asides about “online players” as a group.

Unlike Streib’s heavily mathematical material, Nelson’s is grounded primarily in experience and anecdote. The author’s insistence on sharing these stories is generally more distracting and results oriented than it is entertaining or enlightening. When he does touch on math, he doesn’t always get it right. For instance, his consideration of the “5-10 Rule” (you can call with speculative hands for 5-10% of the effective stacks) is superficial and misleading. The rule rests on a lot of assumptions about an opponent’s range and tendencies that Nelson does not consider and that probably do not hold in his examples.

I do appreciate that Nelson references other poker authors both to support his arguments and to explain how and why his views differ from theirs. It’s unfortunate that so much poker literature insists on either reinventing the wheel or contradicting other well-respected works without explanation. This can leave inexperienced readers bored or confused. Hopefully more authors will take Kill Everyone’s lead and begin dialoguing with each other rather than pretending that they write in a vacuum.

Nelson, a retired doctor, also addresses a grab bag of other topics such as how to deal with jet lag, how to relieve stress and clear your mind, what to eat to keep your mind sharp during a tournament, etc. Those who appreciated Tommy Angelo’s Elements of Poker will find this material helpful, as Nelson is a lot more concrete in his recommendations and even offers some pharmaceutical and technological shortcuts.

Kill everyone poker reviews

The final section, penned by guest author Mark Vos, is surprisingly good. I say “surprisingly” because it’s all about playing with 100BB+ stacks, and Vos is notorious for short stacking the big NLHE games on Full Tilt Poker, where he’s a sponsored player. But he provides a competent, concise introduction to short-handed cash game play.

Kill Everyone Poker Reviews

In particular, he offers some helpful tidbits that will orient tournament players unaccustomed to seeing a lot of turns and rivers. These streets are the trickiest for cash game beginners, but also the most important. Vos doesn’t have room to address them thoroughly, but the tips he does give should plug some common leaks.

Unfortunately, this section is much better on the 5-10 Rule than was Nelson’s. Though Vos recognizes that, “If the player is tight aggressive and skilled post-flop, speculative holdings lose a lot of value, because the skilled players seldom pay you off by losing their entire stacks,” he still claims that implied odds of 10-1 are good enough to call a reraise with a suited connector. It also would’ve been nice to see a more thorough discussion of board texture and how it affects what kinds of plays you try to make.

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Though not particularly well integrated with each other, the contributions of each author are overwhelmingly good, and on the whole Kill Everyone is one of the better tournament books on the market. The biggest “weakness” of the book is that a good chunk of it focuses on exploiting currently popular trends and plays, so it may become dated at some point. But that’s all the more reason to buy it soon!

Kill Everyone
Lee Nelson, Tyson Streib, and Kim Lee
Huntington Press

Reviewed by Nick Christenson,

December 13, 2007

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Kill everyone poker review 2020

In 2005, the book Kill Phil caused quite a stir in the poker community. It advocated a 'push or fold' no-limit hold'em tournament strategy that, while sounding simplistic, is remarkably effective. In late 2007 a new volume appeared from most of the same team that brought us Kill Phil. This book, Kill Everyone, provides even more advanced information on playing strategies in no-limit tournaments, as well suggestions for playing sit-n-gos and short handed cash games.

I wouldn't categorize Kill Everyone as true a sequel to Kill Phil. Kill Phil was aimed at players with little or no no-limit tournament experience who wanted a fast-track path to being able to go toe-to-toe with tournament veterans, and it delivered. Kill Everyone is aimed at the poker player with a little more experience, perhaps gained through using the Kill Phil strategies for a couple of years. It also covers a more diverse set of topics.

After some introductory comments that comprise Part 1, in Part 2 the book moves to cover 'equilibrium move-in strategies' for no-limit hold'em. This is remarkable and valuable information, but it's not for the faint of heart. Expect to spend time re-reading and studying this section, as it's very dense and quite math-heavy. It's also very useful. It will take some effort, though, to adapt this material (and the supplemental information found in the appendices) for general use by the reader. Those going through this effort will be rewarded.

Part 3 is a hodge podge of topics. We get some suggestions on how to adapt to strategies that some players have adopted in recent years.We also get an exegesis on luck in tournament that's moderately interesting, but not especially informative. The authors also provide us some suggestions regarding tells and tournament preparation. These chaptersare okay, but not as useful or ground-breaking as the material that appears earlier in the book. Part 4 is a chapter on playing in short-handed cash games.

While not all of the book is uniformly great, I found early parts of thebook to be truly exceptional. The work the authors have done on he equilibrium solutions is a major contribution to no-limit hold'em tournamentstrategy, and those who regularly play in these events will want to knowwhat Kill Everyone has to say on this topic. Much of the rest of the book is also useful and interesting. It appears that each of the authors had primary control over different sections of the book. Between this effect and the number of topics covered, the book often feels disjointed, but even if one treats each chapter outside of Part 2 as completely separate and unrelated topic, the totality of the book is strong enough to make it well worthwhile.

Kill Phil was a breakthrough book that everyone with an interest in tournament no-limit hold'em ought to read. Even though it'sless even, Kill Everyone is about as ground-breaking asits predecessor, and at its best, perhaps even more so. There is great information in this book and it deserves to be read.


Kill Everyone is not quite a sequel to the remarkableKill Phil, but I'd still recommend reading them in chronologicalorder. Kill Everyone is aimed at players with some no-limithold'em tournament experience. The book is uneven, and some parts aremore useful than others, but the information in Part 2 is exceptional andwell worth the price of the whole book. As with Kill Phil,Kill Everyone is a book that should be read by all no-limithold'em tournament players.

Note: I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher.I have no other interest, financial or otherwise, in the success ofthis book.

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